Beginning here:
- There's now a selection in the installer for Td/Tk which has something to do with GUI building in Ruby... more on that later if it becomes important. (spoiler: it doesn't)
- I'm running Vista, so when I start the gem server, I get confirmation dialogues by the dozen. Good times.
- I just installed Ruby for the first time, so I've only got these gems installed: minitest, rake, rdoc, rubygems.
- If you follow the instructions to a T, you'll see the following dialogue noting that sqlite3-ruby has changed names.
- Though, it no longer tells you to add the .dll to your bin folder, I figured it couldn't hurt, so I added the latest dll to my C:\Ruby192\bin folder. I got the latest by going to the download page and selecting the only one I saw.
- I installed rails per the instructions, and I got this sweet error(it says generating docs, so hopefully, this isn't important... :/ ):
- At this point, I would like to note that Rails (or I guess I should say Ruby) scares me. I've just typed a few commands, and some super complex stuff has been taken care of for me (or at least that's what I'm guessing based on what I've read and what I'm seeing happen). This is awesome, exactly what I've always wanted, but it makes me nervous. Didn't someone say something about being careful what you wish for?
And that's it. Gertig's instructions totally worked. Now, it's time to follow his tutorial to link Ruby on Rails and Android.
(Note: I've almost got Android and Rails talking, but I left my cable at work, so I can't test the last change, meaning my post on it will go up tomorrow when I'm sure it works.)
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